Media owner: Doris Trögl
Registered office:
The health practice
Weisselgasse 10-16/27, 1210 Vienna
Physiotherapy-Osteopathy in Neubaugasse
Neubaugasse 64-66/5/17
1070 Vienna
Phone: +43 680 134 63 47
E-mail:discovery trip
Line of business: Physiotherapy, energetics trade
Member of: WKO
applicable legislation and access to it – Gewerbeordnung:
Supervisory authority/commercial authority: Municipal district office for the 21st district of Vienna & MA 15 - Health service of the city of Vienna
Job title: freelance physiotherapist and energy therapist
Lending country: Austria
Information on online dispute settlement:
Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform: You can also send any complaints to the email address given above.
General Data Protection Regulation as of May 25, 2018: General Data Protection Regulation_Versionlang_Stand20220917
Responsible for the content of this website: Doris Trögl
Photos: Wix, Attila K.
Website layout & programming: Doris Trögl with
Author and publisher of this website is Doris Trögl. Any duplication of all data and images on this website requires the written permission of the author. All rights reserved.